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Salt of the Earth

Langue AnglaisAnglais
Livre Livre relié
Livre Salt of the Earth National Trust
Code Libristo: 04384854
Éditeurs Pavilion Books, mai 2011
A charming, attractively illustrated collection of country sayings with their origins and meanings.... Description détaillée
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A charming, attractively illustrated collection of country sayings with their origins and meanings. Country sayings are deeply rooted in our everyday language. Dip inside and you'll find the origins of many familiar proverbs and time-honoured phases associated with the weather and the passage of the seasons, farming, animals and livestock, and the superstitions that once underscored so much of country life. Widely used as many of the sayings may be, their origins and early meanings still hold surprises for the modern reader and cast a fascinating and revealing light on the lives of our rural forebears.

À propos du livre

Nom complet Salt of the Earth
Langue Anglais
Reliure Livre - Livre relié
Date de parution 2011
Nombre de pages 128
EAN 9781907892158
ISBN 190789215X
Code Libristo 04384854
Éditeurs Pavilion Books
Poids 220
Dimensions 126 x 171 x 14
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