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Mighty Warrior Kings

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Livre Livre relié
Livre Mighty Warrior Kings Philip J Potter
Code Libristo: 25158142
Éditeurs Pen & Sword Books Ltd, mai 2020
The Mighty Warrior Kings traces the history of early Europe through the biographies of nine kings, w... Description détaillée
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The Mighty Warrior Kings traces the history of early Europe through the biographies of nine kings, who had the courage, determination and martial might to establish their dominance over the fragmented remnants of the Roman Empire. The book begins with Char

À propos du livre

Nom complet Mighty Warrior Kings
Langue Anglais
Reliure Livre - Livre relié
Date de parution 2020
Nombre de pages 320
EAN 9781526756268
ISBN 1526756269
Code Libristo 25158142
Poids 666
Dimensions 241 x 164 x 32
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