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Learn To Code By Solving Problems

Langue AnglaisAnglais
Livre Livre de poche
Livre Learn To Code By Solving Problems
Code Libristo: 33045526
Éditeurs No Starch Press,US, juin 2021
Learn to Code by Solving Problems is a practical introduction to programming using Python. It uses c... Description détaillée
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Learn to Code by Solving Problems is a practical introduction to programming using Python. It uses coding-competition challenges to teach you the mechanics of coding and how to think like a savvy programmer.Computers are capable of solving almost any problem when given the right instructions. That s where programming comes in. This beginner s book will have you writing Python programs right away. You ll solve interesting problems drawn from real coding competitions and build your programming skills as you go. Every chapter presents problems from coding challenge websites, where online judges test your solutions and provide targeted feedback. As you practice using core Python features, functions, and techniques, you ll develop a clear understanding of data structures, algorithms, and other programming basics. Bonus exercises invite you to explore new concepts on your own, and multiple-choice questions encourage you to think about how each piece of code works. You ll learn how to:   Run Python code, work with strings, and use variables   Write programs that make decisions   Make code more efficient with while and for loops   Use Python sets, lists, and dictionaries to organize, sort, and search data   Design programs using functions and top-down design   Create complete-search algorithms and use Big O notation to design more efficient code By the end of the book, you ll not only be proficient in Python, but you ll also understand how to think through problems and tackle them with code. Programming languages come and go, but this book gives you the lasting foundation you need to start thinking like a programmer. 

À propos du livre

Nom complet Learn To Code By Solving Problems
Langue Anglais
Reliure Livre - Livre de poche
Date de parution 2021
Nombre de pages 200
EAN 9781718501324
ISBN 1718501323
Code Libristo 33045526
Éditeurs No Starch Press,US
Poids 642
Dimensions 233 x 179 x 23
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