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Spanish Pronunciation

How to Speak Accurate Spanish

Langue EspagnolEspagnol
Livre audio MP3
Livre audio Spanish Pronunciation Collins
Code Libristo: 39540964
Éditeurs Collins, août 2020
A step-by-step guide to Spanish pronunciation that will help you build your confidence and communica... Description détaillée
? points 13 b
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A step-by-step guide to Spanish pronunciation that will help you build your confidence and communicate better in Spanish.Aimed at beginners and intermediate students this short course focuses on spoken Spanish, and will help you improve your pronunciation, confidence and fluency. The free booklet will show you how to pronounce each sound and give real-life examples of where these sounds are used. You will recognize why you mispronounce certain words and which sounds you need to focus on. You can practise the Spanish sounds while listening to the Spanish speaker.The booklet contains illustrations of the mouth showing how to make Spanish sounds and memorable cartoons to help you remember pronunciation rules.You will learn the differences between the Spanish and English alphabet, stress and rhythm, the differences between accents within Spain and the differences between the Spanish spoken in Spain and Latin America.

À propos du livre

Nom complet Spanish Pronunciation
Auteur Collins
Langue Espagnol
Reliure Livre audio - MP3
Date de parution 2020
EAN 9780008438777
Code Libristo 39540964
Éditeurs Collins
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