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Droga Do Nieba (Road to Heaven)

Langue PolonaisPolonais
Livre audio MP3
Livre audio Droga Do Nieba (Road to Heaven) Sona Van
Code Libristo: 39883699
Éditeurs Skyboat Media, juin 2020
This collection of Sona Van's poems is a tribute to the victims of genocide and war. With extraordin... Description détaillée
? points 38 b
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This collection of Sona Van's poems is a tribute to the victims of genocide and war. With extraordinary feminine sensitivity, the poet looks at the world in all its striking contrasts, constantly probing the depths of her consciousness with new modes of expression. The collection consists of ephemeral poems characterized by dramatic encounters with nothingness in which an uncanny ability to capture extreme situations prevails. Sona Van's poetry represents the truest testimony of historical experience and the reality in which it still lives. Full of unexpected juxtapositions of time, rhythm, and imagery, the poems are inspiring to believers and skeptics alike.Full contents:File 01:1. Libretto dla pustyni (Libretto for the desert)File 02:2. Jestem wiecznym pajakiem (I am the eternal spider)3. W ciemnosci oszalala... (Going crazy)4. Gdy mnie nie bedzie... (When I'm gone)5. Lubie twoja... (I like your...)6. Wierze... (I believe)7. Biografia (Biography)8. Boze Narodzenie (Christmas)File 03:9. W tym dniu (On this day)File 04:10. Znudzilam sie (I got bored)11. Zycie... (Life)12. Gdy chce (When I want)File 05:13. Inna zima (A different winter)File 06:14. Przysiegam (I swear)File 07:15. Zabawa w chowanego (Hide and seek)16. Wreszcie... (At last)17. Muzo... (Muse)18. W dniu... (When)19. Zderzylam sie z toba... (I bumped into you)File 08:20. Dlaczego nie doczekalam konca (Why I didn't make it to the end)21. Niebo?... (Sky?)File 09:22. Z okna samolotu (From the window of an airplane)23. . Moja muza... (My muse)File 10:24. Emigrant Ormianin (Armenian emigrant)25. Moje sny niezliczone wariackie (Countless wild dreams)File 11:26. Mijaja milosci (Love passes by)File 12:27. Jakie to uczucie (What kind of feeling)File 13:28. Wziac... czapke? (Take .... a hat?)File 14:29. Niewazne jak sie nazywam (It doesn't matter what my name is)File 15:30. Usmiechajacy sie ptak (Smiling bird)31. Przed chwila zlamal sie (Just broke)32. Wkrotce zrobi sie ciemno (Soon it'll be dark)File 16:33. Najpierw piorun... na pewno (Lightning comes first)34. Kiedy... (When)35. Znalazlam juz (I've found it)36. To nie wydaje mi sie (I don't think so)File 17:37. Poczekaj troche (Wait a minute)38. Ja?...(Me?)File 18:39. Daj mi odejsc (Let me go)40. Oto i nasza wies (Here is our village)File 19:41. Pierwsze skurcze (First contractions)42. Jesli wina naprawde... (If a fault...)43. Urodzilam sie z czlowieka (I was born of men)44. Dobro i zlo (Good and evil)File 20:45. Wszechswiat w Tobie (The universe inside of you)46. Stan moj proroku (Wait my prophet)File 21:47. Swiat jest pelen dawnych milosci (The world is full of old love)File 22:48. Noc zmienia wszystko (Night changes everything)49. Ostatnio... (Lately)File 23:50. Ballada o koniu (A ballad about a horse)File 24:51. Szczesliwy jest ten... (Lucky is the one who sees but not believes)52. W dni... (During those days)File 25:53. Gdy jestem sama... (When I am lonely)54. Wybudowalam miasto (I created a city)55. Wiatr... (Wind)56. Ostatni dzien jesieni... (Last day of fall)57. Czy pamietasz polane? (Do you remember the glade?)File 26:58. Pierwszy byl placz (First there was a cry)59. Poeta zmarl... (The poet died)File 27:60. Tajemnica zycia Wladcy"e; (The Lord's secret)61. Znalazlam Cie Panie Boze (I found you God)File 28:62. Laska niewiedzy (Cane of ignorance)63. Czy byla to chwila... (Was it a moment)File 29:64. Osobista historia (A personal story)65. Czasie... (Time)

À propos du livre

Nom complet Droga Do Nieba (Road to Heaven)
Langue Polonais
Reliure Livre audio - MP3
Date de parution 2020
EAN 9781094163765
Code Libristo 39883699
Éditeurs Skyboat Media
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